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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Crawling Cutie

This little cutie is a master crawler! She crawled over most of our house this evening, giggling and laughing the entire time! We have to tuck her dress into her panties so she can keep moving.
"Catch me if you can!"
"You coming?"
"Are you talking to me?"
Here's our little girl's room with her new curtain...finally!
Laurel and I share some giggles.
I love this sweet thing!
After all that crawling, she earned her bath!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fourth of July Weekend

Laurel and Poppy catch up on the porch at the camp.

Our sweet girl

Laurel finds Poppy's cross necklace.

Laurel shows Poppy that she's "so big!"
Laurel and Poppy have a heart to heart.

Daddy and Laurel head over to the Meldrums' camp for a visit.

Laurel loves the swing, and gets to try it out after breakfast our second morning!

Laurel takes a few steps with Daddy's help.

Daddy, Uncle David and Laurel swing on the porch together.

"I'm ready to swim! Wait, where's the water?"

This is fun!
Laurel finds her swimsuit and tests out the slide.
Our cautious little girl isn't so sure about it.

This water's cold!

Laurel and Ethan take a turn in the golf cart.
"Watch out, Mr. Trey! I've got the keys!"

Laurel tries to love on Ethan, but he's not so sure.
We had a great time!

Over the Fourth of July weekend, we headed to the Roberts' camp just outside of Shreveport. Betsy, Ron, David and Michelle met us out there, and we had a relaxing and fun time. Their next door neighbors at the camp are their good friends, the Meldrums, who hosted a wonderful dinner the first night. It was great catching up with them.

The next night was the big Fourth of July celebration, with a great cookout at the Roberts' camp, parachute games and a fantastic (and legendary) fireworks show. So many of our friends joined us and there were so many children! It was a really fun evening. Somehow, Laurel slept through all of the fireworks!

We had such a great time being with Trey's family and catching up with all of our friends. Thanks, Betsy and Ron, for another wonderful weekend!