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Friday, January 18, 2008

Trip to Shreveport

Eloris held Laurel for a long time, and told us stories about raising her own children.
Laurel and Daddy watch the big snowflakes fall to the ground.
Laurel loves when her daddy comes home from work.
Laurel and Daddy cuddle on the couch together.

Laurel plays with Uncle David, who came to see her at Bebe and Poppy's.

Trey had some work in Shreveport, so we made a weekend of it and got to spend a few relaxing days with his family. Betsy, Laurel and I had planned to play on Friday, visiting some of our favorite Shreveport shops. But the weather had something else in mind. It was a cold and wet day, and by the afternoon, it was hailing. Moments later, the hail turned into huge, beautiful snowflakes! It was so pretty to watch, even if it didn't stick. Laurel got to see her first snow!
While we were there, our friend Jess had his first birthday party--the second birthday party Laurel has been to so far. It was snowman-themed, which was perfect with the snow! We got to visit with lots of our friends and loved seeing little Wiley, Ethan, and Jess again. Happy Birthday, Jess!
On Saturday night, Patrick and Leslie came over for dinner. We had a really nice dinner together and got in a great visit. We can't wait for little Caraway to arrive this summer!

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